
Tutorial How to draw a car

In this lesson we will talk about the intricate art of painting cars. Why is it so hard? Because it requires someadvanced knowledge of the rules of perspective, as the cars - the geometric objects.

Draw a car is easy if you know the rules of perspective

Let's start
Step 1: To start we divide the object into several parts. As a starting point we take the wheels of the car. Draw a line on which to stand a car and a large oval circle on this line. This will be an essential part of the car.
Line and a large oval
Step 2: Now we will draw on this oval front of the machine. Try to follow my example and draw the same way. All vehicles have a medial symmetry. Also note that the lower part of the body is parallel to the ground. This is an obvious rule of thumb when you paint cars.
The front of the car
Step 3: Let's take the next step we divide into three parts. First - Drawing wheel cylinder, connecting the main and front headlights. I drew only three wheels, because the fourth is hidden behind the car itself.
Straighten too smooth curves.
Step 4: OK. Time to erase the extra lines. Ready? Wow! You should get something like the figure.
Erase all unnecessary lines.
Step 5: Now it's time to add some details. However, you can see that the hardest part already drawn! Add simple details. Please be patient.
Pay attention to drawing windscreens.
Step 6: Draw the shadows inside the car. And be sure to draw a wheel!
Continue adding items as you like.
Step 7: See the result. As you can see to draw a car is very easy! Good luck!
As you can see to draw a car is very easy!

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